The Symposium will include Oral Presentations and Poster Session.
The languages of the Symposium are English or French or Italian.
All accepted papers, both oral and posters, will be published in full in the Proceedings of the Symposium. The Proceedings (with ISBN code) will be published as an e-book with color images.
Instructions for abstract submission
The total length of abstracts, exclusively written in English, must fall between 3000 and 4000 characters, including spaces; short list of references and no more than two figures may be included. Text and figures are limited to a maximum of two A4 sheets, one side only. Abstracts with less 3000 characters will be refused. The title of the work should appear on the first line; authors’ names, affiliations, contacts (e-mail, telephone, fax) should appear on the following lines. Abstracts must be written according to the the following form: Abstract template
Authors, guided by the keywords for the various Sessions, should indicate for which Session they intend to submit the work, however the Scientific Committee shall use his description in this regard.
Since all works accepted by the Scientific Committee have equal value, they will all be published in full in the Symposium Proceedings. The Commissions will select six or seven works for oral presentations from those, received for each Session, which they believe will favour interdisciplinary discussion between Sessions.
The official languages of Symposium are English, French and Italian, but for best international diffusion of Proceedings the works must be written exclusively in English.
The file, in MS-Word (*.doc, *.docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Open Document Text (.odt), o Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, should be sent to the Scientific Secretariat by e-mail,, no later than 28 November 2023.
Papers will be accepted based on their scientific value by the Scientific Committee, whose decisions are final.
Works for oral presentations
Oral presentations may only be made using software for electronic presentation: MS-PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader, OpenOffice/LibreOffice Impress. The slides must be in English.
Works for poster presentations
The Scientific Committee will express an opinion about presented posters with regard to: completeness, clarity and immediacy of the poster presentation. The three best posters will receive an award plaque.
- 28 November 2023: Final deadline for abstracts (total length between 3000 and 4000 characters including spaces and if appropriate graphs or images can be included in the two sheets). Abstracts should be written according to the following form: Abstract template
- 15 February 2024: Notification of acceptance or lack of acceptance; notification will specify whether works are to be presented orally or as poster communication. Information will be provided regarding guidelines for preparing the papers.
- 11 June 2024: Opening of the Symposium and deadline for complete works. All presented works (oral and poster communications) will be published in full in the Symposium Proceedings. Complete works must be delivered at the beginning of the Symposium, otherwise they will be excluded from publication.
- End of February 2025:Â Publication of Proceedings (with ISBN, DOI and ISSN code) as e-book with colour images is foreseen. The off-prints of the individual works (each with its own DOI) can be downloaded by the authors from the publisher’s website in electronic format. The Proceedings will be published in the Series Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques
The Symposium will be held onsite in Livorno.