Flora and Fauna of coastal ecosystems: protection, management, monitoring
Coasts are ecotones between sea and land. Coastal ecosystems are highly dynamic, they interact with different land use systems and are often in direct contact with urban environments, where the pressure of human activities on the coast is higher. All these features make up a complex environment so that its flora and fauna show particular morpho-physiological, ecological and behavioral adaptations. The session includes the following topics: flora and fauna of coastal (forests, maquis, beach-dune, wetlands) and marine ecosystems; protection and restoration of coastal ecosystems; sustainable management and efficient use of coastal ecosystems and their ecosystem services; resilience and adaptive capacity of coastal ecosystems to climate change-related hazards; biodiversity conservation and protection of threatened species; methods and new technologies for monitoring flora and fauna of coastal and marine ecosystems.
Keywords: Forest and shrubland ecosystems. Beach-dune ecosystems. Wetlands. Marine ecosystems. Sustainable management of natural resources. Biodiversity. Threatened species. Resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change. Methodologies of impact mitigation and restoration. Monitoring of coastal ecosystems.