Morphology and evolution of coastlines and seabeds
The session includes contributions related to the morphodynamic processes that characterize the various types of coast: from high to low coasts and from natural to anthropized. Each specific topic, inserted in this context, is pertinent to the session: from the space-time evolution of the coastline, including the retro-coastal dune systems, to the morphodynamics of the submerged beach, as well as analysis of the physical-chemical qualities of the water column. Added to these aspects are techniques for evaluating the sedimentary budget (sedimentary contribution of fluvial-deltaic systems, methods of redistribution of sediment along the coast, offshore sediment loss). The topics of the Session also include the dynamics triggered by anthropic factors, both local (defense works, ports, etc.) and global ones (greenhouse effect, climate change and danger of submerging the coasts), as well as the activities of protection and restoration of coastal areas.
Keywords: Coastal areas Erosion, factors and processes of coastal instability. Evolution and morphodynamics of coastal zone and shoreface. Sedimentary budget. Sediment transport and redistribution. Hazard and coastal management. Environmental water quality.